People Who Live On Sanibel Never Want To Die 2

People Who Live In Sanibel Never Want To Die 2

I thought that I would never be that Alta Caca driving down to Sanibel in my car loaded to the gills
with suitcases filled with clothing I will never wear.

But here I am walking on the beach,
head down shopping for seashells,
glancing at the Seagulls and Pelicans,
playing games with the oysters and clams
as the yellow sun spray reflects in a fluorescent beam
on the calm gulf waters.

I wonder why I pick up some seashells and pass by the others.
I pose this question to passersby,
“do humans find seashells or do seashells find humans
or is it a combination?”
The answers I get are filled with
philosophical quips and spiritual anecdotes.

I join these humans in the sunset of their years
gathered like a flock of birds,
milling on the beach, watching the sun set,
drink in hand, talking about the “good old days”
our children and grandchildren,
where we are from and what we used to do for a living.

Dennis Wayne Bressack
Woodstock, New York
February 29, 2016