They Look Too Little They Look Too Little

They Look Too Little

They look too little to walk
Yet they wiggle waddle like
ducks in a wind storm,
Always in play mode,
unending curiosity leads the way,
minds soaking in the sun.

They look too little to talk.
Yet, they jibber jabber like
parrots on a pirate ship.
Always in teach mode,
mystical philosophy leads the way,
words growing from the soul.

They are too little to eat.
Yet, they dribble drabble like
kittens slurping in a milk bowl.
Always in voracious mode,
insatiable appetite leads the way,
hunger rising from the unknown.

They are too little to cry
Yet, they weep n’ sob like
mothers at their child’s funeral.
Always in cautious mode,
weary tales of war lead the way,
fear rising from the heart.

Dennis Wayne Bressack
Woodstock, New York
October 29, 2016